Parent Page: Provider Programs id: 29567 Active Page: Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR)id:31830

Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR)

NOTICE: We are currently processing PDL and ODC applications received on 2/12/2025.

The Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) is an online system that recognizes and documents professional development in the early care and education field. Through the Registry, your director and you can track your professional development. It can also assist you in creating and monitoring your individual professional development plan, also known as a Professional Development Ladder.

The OPDR also includes a Statewide Training Calendar where you can search for professional development that meets your specific needs.

To register for an account visit the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive your Oklahoma Registry ID number and password through email. You will use this information to log into your Registry account. Your Registry ID number will not change, but you can change your password.

Instruction Guides for Directors and Providers

Direct Care Organizations

Individual Users

Training Organizations

Direct Care Handbook