Parent Page: Training id: 29566 Active Page: Leadership Academy IIid:31373

Leadership Academy II

The purpose of Leadership Academy II is to build a sound business strategy for directors/administrators of licensed child care programs to study the legal requirements and tax implications related to program operation. Participants will also increase their professional understanding of and ability to implement effective, ethical, and lawful employment practices.  

Leadership Academy II is a 40-hour professional development training led by Dr. Jane Humphries. It is a hybrid high-tech/high-touch model that supports busy directors. Participants would first take online training through The McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership, followed by live, half-day Capstone trainings. 

To be eligible for Leadership Academy II, you must have completed Leadership Academy I and completed a PAS assessment.
Stipend Information: Graduates will be eligible to apply for a $500 Leadership Academy II Stipend when they complete all required training sessions. This stipend program was effective October 25, 2022.  For questions regarding the Leadership Academy II Stipend, contact CECPD at 405.799.6383


Please reach out to PDAS for information and an application. 

Registration fee is $50