The Focused Portfolios instruction is an Authentic Assessment Process in which early childhood professionals learn to carefully observe children ages birth through five in their everyday interactions. This process results in compiling a comprehensive portfolio that captures each child's learning through these careful observations and relates the child's development to recognized milestones. Other states have also implemented authentic documentation as a vital step to continuous quality improvement and to meet licensure/accreditation requirements.
Focused Portfolios is a system for documenting a child's growth and development using a planned structure that captures and illustrates all areas of development and progress using developmentally appropriate milestones that coordinate with the Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines (ELG) for ages Birth through Five. The first two days of training and assignments prepare teachers and give them time to practice using the techniques, tools, and strategies for implementing the system. Teachers begin to utilize information gained from the observation and assessment to plan and adapt classroom procedures and routines to meet the individual needs of the children in a way that is confidential and accurate. They also begin their parent conference plans by integrating information gained from observations into an organized format that includes goals and descriptions that support child development.
The third day covers the Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines (ELGs) and prepares teachers to integrate these ELGs with the Focused Portfolios Assessment System. This course utilizes major theories of child growth and development to guide program planning and ongoing child assessment, enabling participants to meet the Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines training requirement for Infants, Toddlers, Twos, and Ages 3-5. Teachers receive several resources they can use to design and implement programs and classroom plans that promote healthy relationships among families, children, and teachers/staff. During this course, participants will practice time-saving tips and techniques to improve their assessment skills.
Cost: $40
Contact for questions/registration:
Email: pdas@ou.edu
Statewide toll free 1-888-446-7608