Parent Page: Provider Programs id: 29567 Active Page: Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Programid:31866

Oklahoma Registry Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program

Welcome to the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program! This program is designed to recognize and reward early childhood professionals for their dedication and commitment to professional development. Our goal is to support your growth and enhance the quality of early childhood education.

As of today, we are currently processing applications submitted on 02/07/2025.

Eligibility and Requirements

To participate in the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Employment Duration: You must have been employed at your current facility for at least the last 6 consecutive months.
        • Note: Time during extended breaks where children are not present (e.g., summer break) or any personal leave longer than 2 weeks will not be counted towards this 6-month period.
  • Professional Development: Complete 30 hours of approved courses in the area of concentration you are applying for, or obtain a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in one of the following areas:
    • Infant/Toddler
    • Preschool
    • Family Child Care
      • Note: CDA credentials are only applicable to the specific area of concentration for which they are awarded (e.g., Infant/Toddler CDA is only valid for the Infant/Toddler concentration).
  • Facility Requirements:
    • Work in a DHS licensed facility with a K8 number.
    • Centers must have a Level 2 or higher Star rating.
    • Family Child Care Homes must have a Level 1 or higher Star rating.
  • Work Hours:
    • Teachers and Family Child Care Home Assistants: Must work at least 30 hours per week in the classroom.
    • Directors, Assistant Directors, and Family Child Care Home Owners: Must work at least 30 hours per week in the facility.
    • Employment Status: Applicants must be employed at the time of processing to be eligible for the stipend.
  • Professional Development Registry: Applicants must have an account in the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry.
  • Eligible Positions:
    • Teacher
    • Assistant Teacher
    • Master Teacher
    • Probationary Master Teacher
    • School-Age Teacher
    • School-Age Assistant Teacher
    • Substitute (must be in the classroom at least 30 hours per week)
    • Large Family Child Care Provider
    • Family Child Care Home Provider
    • Family Child Care Home Assistant
    • Center Director
    • Assistant Director
    • School-Age Center Director
    • Curriculum Coordinator

Application Process

Submit Your Application:

  • How to Apply: You can apply either on paper or online through your OK Registry page. Visit the “How to Apply” tab for forms and instructions.
  • Required Documents: Include the Initial Employment Verification form and your latest pay stub. Download the Initial Employment Verification form from the “Forms” tab. If you do not receive pay stubs, email us at for assistance. Owners do not need to submit a pay stub.
  • Processing Time: Applications are processed within 30 business days from the date of submission.
      • Note: Applications submitted from mid-October to December may count towards the next calendar year due to processing times and holiday closures.

Review Process:

  • A staff member will review your application to ensure eligibility.
  • They will check that you have:
    • Submitted all required supporting documents.
    • Met the training hours or CDA requirements for your chosen area.
    • Not received a stipend in this area before.
    • Met all employment and facility requirements.

Application Decision:

  • You will receive an email with the approval or denial decision at the email address associated with your OK Registry account.

Payment Set Up After Approval:

  • If you are not set up for payments or need to update your name/address, you will be asked in the approval email to submit an Individual Supplier Registration form within 30 days of approval.
  • Processing Time: Setting up payments with OU Financial Services can take up to 21 days after the Individual Supplier Registration form has been submitted. 
      • Example: If an acceptable Individual Supplier Registration form is received by us 30 days after approval,  it could take an additional 21 days to set up the payment. This means the total processing time from the date of approval could be up to 51 days. Please ensure the form is filled out exactly as established in the included directions from OU Financial Services to avoid any delays.

Payment Request:

  • A check request will be made once your application is approved or after your Individual Supplier Registration form is processed.
  • A note will be added to your OK Registry account, and an email will be sent when your check has been requested.
  • Processing and Delivery Time: It will take 3-5 weeks from the date of the check request to receive your stipend due to processing and delivery times.

Processing Times

Expected Timelines for Application Review and Stipend Disbursement:

  • Application Review:
  • Initial Review: 2-3 weeks
  • Verification of Documents: 1-2 weeks
  • Total Review Time: Up to 30 business days (approximately 6 weeks)
  • Payment Set Up:
  • Individual Supplier Registration Form Submission Time: Up to 30 days (if the applicant takes the full time)
  • Processing Time: Up to 21 days after the form is submitted
  • Payment Request and Delivery:
  • Processing and Delivery Time: 3-5 weeks

Stipend Details

Information on stipend amounts, limits, and how they are awarded:

  • Stipend Amount: Each stipend is $600.
  • Annual Limit: You can apply for up to 2 stipends per calendar year. 
    • Note: Applications submitted from mid-October to December may count towards the next year due to processing times and holiday closures.
  • Lifetime Limit: You are eligible to receive only one stipend per area of concentration for the lifetime of the program.
  • One Active Application: Only one application can be active at a time. Any open applications must be closed before starting a new one.
  • Award Method: Stipends are awarded by paper check or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
    • Note: The first stipend is typically issued as a paper check. The option to switch to EFT will be provided on the Individual Supplier Registration form. EFT is set up with the State, and they will contact you at the email address you provided for further setup.

Areas of Concentration:

Our program offers certificates in the following areas of concentration:

  1. Approaches to Challenging Behavior
  2. Better Business in Family Child Care
  3. Childhood Resiliency
  4. Creating Effective Literacy Environments
  5. Cultivating Growth and Well-Being
  6. Healthy Children
  7. Infant and Toddler
  8. Preschool
  9. Quality Child Care
  10. School Age

Important Information

Training Hours:

  • Training Record Updates: Your training record is not updated by submitted certificates. Training sponsors must update your record within 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of course completion.
  • Recommendation: Ensure all completed hours are reflected on your training record before applying.
  • Action Required: If training is not added by the 10th business day, contact the training sponsor to update your record.
  • CECPDonline Courses: CECPD is not the training sponsor for CECPDonline. For issues with courses on that website, contact Thermacube directly at (877) 710-5158 or email at

Name/Address Changes:

  • Address Changes: Update your address on both your OK Registry account and with OU Financial Services. Email your full name, new address, and the last 4 digits of your SSN to to update your address in both accounts.
  • Legal Name Changes: Submit a new Individual Supplier Registration form for any legal name changes.

Got Questions or Inquiries?

Self-Help Resources:

  • FAQs: Check our Frequently Asked Questions page for quick answers to common questions.
  • How-To Guides: Visit our How-To Guides section for step-by-step instructions on various processes.
  • Forms and Documents: Access all necessary forms and documents in our Forms section.

Email: Drop us a line at with any questions or concerns you may have.  Our team is committed to providing timely and thorough responses to all inquiries.

Phone Calls: Give us a call at 405-799-6383 or toll-free at 888-446-7608.  Please note - you will need to leave a detailed voicemail with your name, Registry ID, and question/concern.  This will allow us to direct inquires to the appropriate program or department, ensuring that you receive the best assistance possible.  Due to the volume of calls we receive, we kindly ask that you reach out via email for the fastest response.

Thank you for choosing to connect with us.  We look forward to hearing from you!  


Eligibility Requirements

I work in a DHS licensed facility with a Star level of 2 or higher.

I have been employed a continual 6 months in my current child care facility prior to the date of application.

I work a minimum of 30 hours per week in the classroom teaching children.

I have completed 30 hours of specific training approved for one of the Areas of Concentration
prior to applying, or I have an Infant/Toddler, Preschool, or FCCH CDA

I have an account in the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry.

I work in a DHS licensed facility with a Star level of 2 or higher.

I have been employed a continual 6 months in my current child care facility prior to the date of this application.

I work a minimum of 30 hours per week at the facility.

I have completed 30 hours of specific training approved for one of the Areas of Concentration
prior to applying, or I have an Infant/Toddler, Preschool, or FCCH CDA

I have an account in the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry.

I work in a DHS licensed facility with a Star level of 1 or higher.

I have been employed a  continual 6 months in my current child care facility prior to the date of this application.

I work a minimum of 30 hours per week at the facility.

I have completed 30 hours of specific training approved for one of the Areas of Concentration
prior to applying, or I have an Infant/Toddler, Preschool, or FCCH CDA

I have an account in the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry.

Important Eligibility Requirement Notes:

  • Employment Duration: Time during extended breaks where the children are not present  (e.g., summer break) or any personal leave longer than 2 weeks will not be counted towards the 6-month period.
  • Professional Development: CDA credentials are only applicable to the specific area of concentration for which they are awarded (e.g., Infant/Toddler CDA is only valid for the Infant/Toddler concentration).
  • Employment Status: Applicants must be employed at the time of processing to be eligible for the stipend.

Eligible Positions:

  • Teacher
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Master Teacher
  • Probationary Master Teacher
  • School-Age Teacher
  • School-Age Assistant Teacher
  • Substitute (must be in the classroom at least 30 hours per week)
  • Large Family Child Care Provider
  • Family Child Care Home Provider
  • Family Child Care Home Assistant
  • Center Director
  • Assistant Director
  • School-Age Center Director
  • Curriculum Coordinator

Important Reminders:

Stipend Details:

  • Amount: Each Area of Concentration carries a $600 stipend if all eligibility requirements are met.
  • Annual Limit: You can receive up to 2 stipends per calendar year.
    • Processing Times: Applications submitted from mid-October to December may count towards the next calendar year due to processing times and holiday closures.
  • Lifetime Limit: You may receive a stipend in each area of concentration only once in the lifetime of the Oklahoma Registry Certificate of Achievement and Stipend program.
  • One Active Application: Only one application can be active at a time. Any open applications must be closed before starting a new one.
  • Award Method: Stipends are awarded by paper check or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
    • Note: The first stipend is typically issued as a paper check. The option to sign up for EFT will be provided on the Individual Supplier Registration form. EFT is set up with the State, and they will contact you at the email address you provided for further setup.

Training Requirements:

  • College Courses: College courses do not count towards any Certificate of Achievement.
  • Training Hours: Each class can only be counted once to meet the 30 clock hours requirement.
  • Initial Application: For your first Certificate of Achievement, we will look for 30 hours of approved training courses completed within the past 5 years from the date we receive your application.
  • Subsequent Applications: For any additional Certificates of Achievement, we will look for 30 hours of approved training courses completed within the past 12 months from the date we receive your application.
  • Training Record Updates: You do not need to submit training certificates to us. Approved training sponsors have up to 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) to add your training to your training record. If training is not added within that timeframe, you will need to contact the training sponsor.

Stipend Training Specificity:

  • Reminder: Stipend training is specific. Ensure you are taking the correct courses.
  • Finding Approved Courses:
    1. Visit the Statewide Training Calendar at
    2. Select "Certificate of Achievement and Stipend" from the second dropdown on the left-hand navigation menu.
    3. Choose the Certificate of Achievement you are interested in and click "Search" at the bottom.
    4. This will display the currently offered approved training courses for this Certificate.
    • Note: You will need 30 total hours of approved training in the Area of Concentration you are working towards.

Contact Information:

  • New Email Address: Please send all stipend related questions and supporting documents to


What is the amount of the stipend? Each Area of Concentration carries a $600 stipend if all eligibility requirements are met.

How many stipends can I receive per year? You can receive up to 2 stipends per calendar year.

When should I submit my application to avoid delays? Applications submitted from mid-October to December may count towards the next calendar year due to processing times and holiday closures.

Is there a lifetime limit on stipends? Yes, you may receive a stipend in each area of concentration only once in the lifetime of the Oklahoma Registry Certificate of Achievement and Stipend program.

Can I have more than one application active at a time? No, only one application can be active at a time. Any open applications must be closed before starting a new one.

How are stipends awarded? Stipends are awarded by paper check or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Note: The first stipend is typically issued as a paper check. The option to sign up for EFT will be provided on the Individual Supplier Registration form. EFT is set up with the State, and they will contact you at the email address you provided for further setup.



Using the Statewide Training Calendar

Using the Statewide Training Calendar

How to Instructions | Finding Training through the State Wide Calendar

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding and Completing Approved Courses

  1. Accessing the Calendar
    • Start by visiting the Statewide Training Calendar at
    • Use the filter options to narrow down the courses relevant to your specific stipend area.
  2. Using the Filter Options
    • Certificate of Achievement and Stipend: Choose the area of concentration you wish to apply for.
    • Training Location: Filter for in class training near you by city, zip, and distance.
    • Training Type: Choose the type of training you wish to attend.
    • Training Fee: Enter the maximum amount of fees you would like to pay.
    • Training Hours: Enter in the minimum and maximum training hours you wish to attend.

Tip: Double-check your filter selections to ensure they match the stipend requirements. Incorrect filters may lead to irrelevant courses.

  1. Checking the Course Overview
    • Before enrolling, click on “View Overview” to read the full course overview.
    • Ensure the course content matches the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend that you are pursuing.  Check the Areas of Interest section to confirm that the area of concentration you are working on is included. 

Tip: If the area of concentration is not listed in the Areas of Interest section, it does not apply to your stipend.

  1. Completing the Course
    • After selecting an appropriate course, follow the instructions to complete the training.
    • Ensure you receive a certificate of completion or proof of training from the training sponsor.
  2. Returning to the Calendar
    • Once you complete a course, return to the Statewide Training Calendar to select your next course.
    • Avoid staying on the third-party training site and taking other classes, as they may not count towards your stipend.

Tip: Bookmark the Statewide Training Calendar page for easy access after each course completion.

  1. Submitting Proof of Training
    • After completing all required courses, ensure all training hours are reflected on your registry before applying for the stipend.
    • All approved courses for the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend program are provided through Approved Training Sponsors.  Your training record is not updated by submitted certificates. Training sponsors must update your record within 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of course completion.  If training is not added by the 10th business day, contact the training sponsor to update your record.
    • CECPDonline Courses: CECPD is not the training sponsor for CECPDonline. For issues with courses on that website, contact Thermacube directly at (877) 710-5158 or email at

Training FAQs

  1. Why was my application denied when I was told earlier I had x amount of  hours?

    The only training hours that are considered are those that fall within five years (for a first-time application) or a year (for all later applications) from the date you submit your application. If you wait too long, your hours might expire and not count anymore. For example, if you were told in April that you had 16 hours and you apply in October, those hours might no longer be valid. To avoid this, apply as soon as you finish your training hours.

  2. How do I use the Statewide Training Calendar?

    Visit the Statewide Training Calendar and use the filter options to find courses relevant to your stipend area. 
  3. How do I ensure a course applies to my stipend?

    Verify the course content by checking the Areas of Interest section in the course overview. Make sure the area of concentration you are working on is listed there.
  4. Do college courses count towards a Certificate of Achievement and Stipend?

    No, college courses do not count towards any Certificate of Achievement and Stipend.
  5. What is the timeframe for using past training hours for my first Certificate of Achievement?

    For your first Certificate of Achievement, we will review training completed within the past 5 years from the date you submit your application.
  6. What is the timeframe for using past training hours for subsequent Certificates of Achievement?

    For any additional Certificates of Achievement, we will review training completed within the past 12 months (1 year) from the date you submit your application.
  7. Do I need to submit training certificates to you?

    No, you do not need to submit training certificates to us. Approved training sponsors have up to 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) to add your training to your training record. If training is not added within that timeframe, you will need to contact the training sponsor.
  8. What should I do after completing a course?

    After completing a course, return to the Statewide Training Calendar to select your next course. Avoid staying on the third-party training site and taking random classes, as they may not count towards your stipend.

How to Apply

How to Apply

Online Application:

  • Apply Online: Visit to submit your application online.
  • Upload Documents: Use the upload feature to submit all required supporting documents with your online application.
  • Instructions: Download How-To Instructions for step-by-step guidance on completing your online application. | Download How-To Instructions  

Paper Application:

  • Submit by Mail or Fax: You can also submit a paper application.
    • Download Application: Download the application form. | Download application.
    • Email: Send completed application and supporting documents to
    • Fax: Fax completed application and supporting documents to 405-799-7634.

Additional Forms:

  • All other required forms can be found in the forms section. Ensure you complete and submit all necessary documents.

Important Note:

  • One Application Rule: You can only have ONE application open at a time. Please ensure any open applications are closed before starting a new one.

Tips for a Smooth Application Process:

  • Check Your Training Record: Ensure all your training hours are updated in your training record before applying.
  • Follow Instructions Carefully: Make sure to follow all instructions provided in the How-To guides to avoid delays.
  • Contact for Help: If you encounter any issues, refer to our FAQs or contact us at for assistance.



  1. Initial Employment Verification Form

  2. Individual Supplier Registration Form

    • Download Form | Individual Supplier Registration (ISR) Form 
    • Do not submit this form until your stipend has been approved and you receive a message requesting it
    • This form is also required for any legal name changes and address updates

Important Notes:

  • Pay Stub Requirements:
    • Paper Applications: Include a copy of your most recent pay stub.
    • Online Applications: Include an Initial Employment Verification form and a copy of your most recent pay stub.
    • Facility Owners: No pay documentation is required.
    • No Pay Stub? Contact for assistance.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Complete the Initial Employment Verification Form:

    • Ensure all sections are filled out accurately.
    • Attach your most recent pay stub (if applicable).
  2. Submit Your Application:

    • Mail: Send your completed form and pay stub to 
      • 1801 N Moore Ave Moore OK 73160
    • Email: Send a full, legible picture or scanned image of your completed form and pay stub to
    • Online Application: Upload your completed form and pay stub with your application.
  3. Wait for Approval:

    • You will receive a notification once your stipend has been approved.
  4. Submit the Individual Supplier Registration (ISR) Form:

    • Only submit this form after receiving approval and a request for it.


What if I don't receive a pay stub? Contact for assistance.

When should I submit the ISR form? Submit the ISR form only after your stipend has been approved and you receive a message requesting it.  After initial payment set up, this form is only required for legal name changes and address updates.

What documents are required for facility owners? Facility owners only need to submit the Initial Employment Verification form.  Owners do not need to provide pay documentation.

Contact Us:

  • For any questions or assistance, please contact


FAQs for Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program

General Information

  1. What are the eligibility criteria for receiving a stipend?
  2. How many stipends can I receive per year?
    • You can apply for up to two stipends per calendar year, but you can only receive one stipend in each area of concentration for the life of the program.  Note: Applications submitted from mid-October to December may count towards the next calendar year due to processing times and holiday closures.

Application Process

  1. How do I apply for a stipend?
  2. How do I submit the required documents for my stipend application?
    • You can submit the required documents, the Initial Employment Verification form and pay stub, either through the upload feature on your  online application or by emailing them to
  3. What should I do if my stipend application is denied?
    • If your application is denied, review the denial reason provided in the email. Common reasons include insufficient training hours or missing documentation. You can reapply once you meet the requirements.  Note: Your training record is not updated by submitted certificates. Training sponsors must update your record within 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of course completion.  We recommend that you ensure all completed hours are reflected on your training record before applying.
  4. How can I check the status of my stipend application?
    • For the most up-to date information, please refer to the current day processing notice posted on our webpage at  Additionally, our processing time section provides detailed timelines for each step of the application process. We also recommend reading through the application process to ensure you have completed all necessary steps. 

Eligibility and Requirements

  1. What types of training count towards the stipend?
    • Approved training courses listed on the Statewide Training Calendar count towards the stipend. Ensure the courses are relevant to the specific stipend you are applying for by using the filter options and reviewing the course overview. 
  2. Can I use past training hours for a new stipend application?
    • For your first stipend application, we will review training completed within the past 5 years from your application submission date,
    • For all subsequent applications, we will review training completed within the last 12 months (1 year) from your application submission date.
  3. What are the areas of concentration for the stipend program?
    • The areas of concentration include Approaches to Managing Challenging Behavior, Better Business in Family Care, Childhood Resiliency, Creating Effective Literacy Environments, Cultivating Growth & Well Being, Healthy Children in Child Care, Infant/Toddler, Preschool, Quality Child Care, and School Age.

Training and Courses

  1. How can I find out which courses I need to complete for a specific stipend?
    • You can find the available approved courses for each stipend on our Statewide Training Calendar.  To ensure the courses are relevant to the specific stipend you are applying for use the filter options and review the course overview.
  2. What should I do if my training hours do not show up on my Registry?
    • If your training hours are not reflected on your Registry, contact the training sponsor to ensure they have submitted the hours if it has been more than 2 weeks since you completed the course. Your training record is not updated by submitted certificates. Training sponsors must update your record within 10 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) of course completion. 
    • We recommend you ensure all completed hours are reflected on your training record before applying.
    • CECPDonline Courses: CECPD is not the training sponsor for For issues with courses on that website, contact Thermacube directly at (877) 710-5158 or email them at

Post-Application Process

  1. How long does it take to receive the stipend after approval?
    • Once approved, if not already set up, payment setup with OU Financial Services can take up to 21 days after an acceptable form is submitted to us.  Once we are able to request your check, it will take an approximately 3-5 weeks to receive your stipend check due to processing and delivery times.
  2. What should I do if I haven't received my stipend check?
    • If you haven't received your stipend check within the expected timeframe, please contact our support team for assistance at
  3. What should I do if my application is marked as incomplete?
    • If your application is incomplete, review the missing items listed in the notification and submit the required documents as soon as possible.
  4. What should I do if my stipend is on hold?
    • If your stipend is on hold, we are needing you to submit an Individual Supplier Registration form to set up your payments with OU Financial Services.  Please ensure the form is filled out exactly as established in the included directions from OU Financial Services to avoid any delays.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

  1. What should I do if my address or name changes?
    • Any address changes need to be made both on your OK Registry account and with OU Financial Services. Please email us at with your name, new address, and last 4 digits of your Social Security number for verification purposes.  All address update requests must be done via email, we cannot accept them over the phone.  For legal name changes, you will need to submit a new Individual Supplier Registration form.
  2. Can I receive a stipend if I am a part-time employee?
    • To be eligible for a stipend, you must work at least 30 hours per week. This must be verified through your pay stub.
  3. Is there a waiting period before I can reapply for a stipend?
    • No, you can reapply for a stipend as soon as your previously denied application is closed.
  4. Can I apply for a stipend if I am the owner of a childcare facility?
    • Yes, owners of childcare facilities can apply for stipends, provided they hold an eligible position and meet all the stipulated eligibility requirements.
  5. What is the processing time for stipend applications?
    • Application Review: Up to 30 business days (approximately 6 weeks)
    • Payment Set Up: Applicant has 30 days to submit an acceptable Individual Supplier Registration form; OU Financial Services will take up to 21 days to set up your payment after the form is submitted
    • Payment Request and Delivery:  Processing and Delivery time is 3-5 weeks after check request has been made.

Fraud Policy

Fraud Policy

Definition of Fraud: Fraud is defined as an intentional misrepresentation of information to gain an unfair advantage over an individual or system. Examples include:

  • Misleading or inaccurate documentation
  • Altered pay documentation
  • Employment deception

Detecting Fraud: The Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) has mechanisms to detect fraudulent reports of experience and positions held in licensed childcare facilities:

  • Staff are regularly updated on the format of supporting documentation.
  • Employment details are entered into a database used by several programs and verified annually by facility administration.

Reporting Fraud:

  • OPDR staff must report any suspicion of fraud.
  • Suspicions are documented and brought to the attention of the Project Director.
  • OPDR staff research the suspected information to verify its authenticity.
  • If fraud is suspected, detailed notes are made in the participant’s online account.

Fraud Investigation Process:

  1. Notification: Participant is issued a letter requesting proof of authenticity of the documentation.
  2. Appeal: Participant has two weeks to submit a formal appeal with supporting documentation.
    • If fraud is not found, processing of applications continues.
    • If fraud is confirmed, corrective action is taken.
  3. No Appeal: If no appeal is submitted within the allowed timeline, corrective action is taken.

Corrective Action:

  • First Offense: Suspension from the Registry for 90 days and ineligibility for stipends for 1 year.
  • Second Offense: Ineligibility for stipends for 2 years.
  • Third Offense: Ineligibility for stipends for 5 years.

Suspension Guidelines:

  • Current credentials are revoked.
  • Only OPDR-approved coursework can be used to meet criteria.
  • Participants may face additional disciplinary actions from the Professional Development Approval System (PDAS).


  • Suspended participants will show a status of “Suspended” with detailed notes in their account.
  • OPDR staff will notify relevant authorities and include the participant’s details and suspension information.

Contact Information:

  • For questions or to report fraud, contact


What constitutes fraud in the program? Fraud includes misleading documentation, altered pay stubs, and employment deception.

How does OPDR detect fraud? Through regular updates on documentation formats and annual verification of employment details.

What happens if fraud is suspected? The participant is notified, and an investigation is conducted. If fraud is confirmed, corrective action is taken.

What are the consequences of committing fraud? Consequences range from suspension for 90 days to ineligibility for stipends for up to 5 years, depending on the offense.

How is a suspension documented? Suspensions are noted in the participant’s account with detailed timelines and correspondence.

Grievance and Appeal Policy

Grievance Process:

Participants who believe they qualify for the program or have completed training that meets qualifications should notify the Project Lead, Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program, in writing within 30 days of receiving a denial letter to file a formal grievance. Participants are entitled to appeal decisions made by the OPDR administrators up to two times.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Initial Notification:

    • Notify the Project Lead in writing within 30 days of receiving the denial letter.
  2. Appeal #1:

    • Submission Deadline: Appeals must be received within 30 days from the date of the denial letter.
    • Submission Method: Appeals must be submitted in writing and addressed to the Project Lead, Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program. They can be submitted via mail, fax, or email.
    • Response Time: Within 10 business days of receiving Appeal #1, the participant will receive a written reply from the Project Lead reflecting the decision.
  3. Appeal #2:

    • Submission Deadline: Appeal #2 must be received within 14 days from the date of Appeal #1’s decision.
    • Submission Method: Appeal #2 must be submitted in writing and addressed to the Project Director, Certificate of Achievement and Stipend Program. They can be submitted via mail, fax, or email.
    • Response Time: Within 10 business days of receiving Appeal #2, the participant will receive a written reply from the Project Director reflecting the decision.
    • Final Decision: The decision from the Project Director on Appeal #2 is final.

Important Notes:

  • Full Audit: The Project Lead will conduct a full audit of the file during the grievance process.
  • Finality: The decision from the Project Director on Appeal #2 is final and binding.

Submission Methods:

  • Mail: Send your written appeals to: 1801 N Moore Ave Moore OK 73160
  • Fax: Send your written appeals to:  405-799-7634
  • Email: Send your written appeals to:


What should I do if I receive a denial letter? Notify the Project Lead in writing within 30 days to file a formal grievance.

How many times can I appeal a decision? Participants can appeal decisions up to two times.

What is the response time for appeals? You will receive a written reply within 10 business days of the receipt of each appeal.

How can I submit my appeal? Appeals can be submitted via mail, fax, or email.

Contact Us:

  • For any questions or assistance, please contact