New Certificate of Achievement and Stipend
CECPD has a new Certificate of Achievement and Stipend! Approaches to Managing Challenging Behavior is now available. Increase the overall outcomes experienced by children in child care. Need some training? Click here to see what is available. Use the left navigation and in the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend box use the pulldown and select "Approaches to Managing Challenging Behavior". Scroll down and click on "Search".
Family Child Care Home Providers and Center Directors
Did you know there is a Certificate of Achievement and Stipend focused on best business practices? Don't let the title deceive you, Better Business in Family Care will help you develop a solid business framework. Click here to see what is available. Use the left navigation and in the Certificate of Achievement and Stipend box use the pulldown and select "Better Business in Family Care". Scroll down and click on "Search".
Now available in Spanish.
20 clock hours – El cuidado de los niños pequeños fuera de su propio hogar es un servicio fundamental para nuestra sociedad. El cuidado infantil de calidad es extremadamente importante. Investigaciones recientes encontraron que los niños que asisten a programas de cuidado infantil de alta calidad tienen un desarrollo positivo, mientras que los niños que asisten a programas de mala calidad resultan con efectos negativos. La necesidad de profesionales de cuidado infantil que puedan brindar atención de calidad y estimular el aprendizaje temprano aumenta a medida que más y más padres trabajan fuera del hogar. cecpdonline.org
Who: Any owner/director or primary caregiver who wishes to apply for The Stars Program.
What: Opportunity to receive information to complete the application and request for certification process.
Where: Virtually: Want to know more? Click on this link,
Questions: please email STARS at QRIS@okdhs.org