The Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) is a systemic approach to assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality in early and school-age care and education programs. Similar to rating systems for restaurants and hotels, QRIS award quality ratings to early and school-age care and education programs that meet a set of defined program standards. By participating in their State’s QRIS, early and school-age care providers embark on a path of continuous quality improvement. Even providers that have met the standards of the lowest QRIS levels have achieved a level of quality that is beyond the minimum requirements to operate.
What is QRIS and how does the Stars program benefit children, families and programs?
Watch this 23-minute video to learn more. Want Informal training credit? Print and complete this document - when you are finished, please email it to or fax it to 405-799-7634.

Stars has moved to an online application in order to ease the process for child care providers. Included in this change are a shortened application, guided prompts throughout the application, and several ways to request technical assistance if needed.
Step 1- the Stars Application is where you request a log in. Once you have a K8 and completed background, you will go to CCMASS by clicking on this link CCMASS and complete a Stars Application. You will receive an email stating the next steps once your application for a login has been processed.
If a login has already been created for you in CCMASS, you do not need to complete Step 1 again. If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgot Password” to create a new one.
Step 2- The Stars Request for Certification is where you will log in and complete your request. You will upload the requested documentation. Once you have signed the bottom of the request, it has been submitted.
Click the links below to view "How to" videos for submitting your application and request for certification.
1. How to submit your QRIS application (Step 1)
2. How to complete your request for certification (Step 2)
Not sure what Star level to apply for? To see what level to apply for:
To see what criteria is required for child care centers: Child Care Center Stars Resource Book
To see what criteria is required for family child care homes: Family Child Care Home Resource Book
For assistance or questions regarding the Stars criteria or the application process, please provide your K8# and name. Email: